Tatiana Vasilievna Burova


Date and place of birth:

07.02.1953; Penza, Russia

Present position and place of work:

Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Polymers, A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vavilov St. 28, 119991, Moscow, Russia. Tel: 7(499)135-6457; Fax: 7(499)135-5085; e-mail: burova@ineos.ac.ru.

Brief statement of scientific career:

International cooperation:

Research interests:

Thermodynamics of conformational and phase transitions in synthetic polymers and biopolymers. Polymer-polymer and polymer-ligand interactions. High-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. Isothermal titration calorimetry.