Professor Igor Ya.
Seminars & Invited Lectures
at the Universities &
Research Laboratories:
Microphase Separation in Block and Polydisperse
Microphase Separation and
other Fluctuational Effects in Weakly Charged Polyelectrolytes
Dynamic RPA and Spinodal
Thermoreversible Gelation,
Associating Solvents and All That
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Microphase Separation in Block and Polydisperse
- March 1980, "Correlation
of Fluctuations and Structure Formation in Concentrated Heteropolymer
Systems". Physics Department, Moscow State University, Polymer
Theory Seminar by Acad. I. Lifshitz.
- March 1982, "Do Macromolecules in
Concentrated Polymer Systems Obey Gaussian Statistics?" Physics
Department, Moscow State University, Polymer Theory Seminar by Acad. I. Lifshitz.
- November 1989, "Influence of
Chemical Structure of Two-Component Heteropolymer Systems on their Phase
Diagrams (Weak Crystallization Approximation)" (with A. V. Dobrynin).
Physics Department, Moscow State University, Polymer Theory Seminar founded
by Acad. I. Lifshitz.
- May 1992, "Phase Diagrams of
Molten Block Copolymers of Complicated Architecture", Research
Laboratories, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY, USA.
- May 1992, "Phase Diagrams of
Molten Block Copolymers of Complicated Architecture", Corporate
Research Science Laboratory, Exxon Research and Engineering Company,
Annandale, NJ, USA.
- February 1993, "Macrophase
Separation under Weak Crystallization of Polydisperse Block Copolymers"
(with A. V. Dobrynin). Physics Department, Moscow State University,
Polymer Theory Seminar founded by Acad. I. Lifshitz.
- December 1993, "Microphase
Separation in Random Block Copolymers", Department of Physics,
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
- November 1994, "On Microphase
Separation in Random and Polydisperse Copolymers", Seminar AK
Prof. Fisher, Max-Planck-Institute für Polymerforschung, Mainz,
- October 1993, "Theory of Phase
Separation in Block Copolymers in the Weak Segregation Limit",
Seminar des AK Stadler, Deminar des SFB 262, Institute für Organische
Chemie, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz.
- December 1993, "Phase Diagrams of
Block Copolymers with Complicated Chemical Architecture", The
Fritz Haber Molecular Dynamics Research Center&Department of Physical
Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
- June 1995, "Microphase Separation
as a Typical Feature of Polymer Systems: Definitions, Examples,
Predictions", Material Science Center, State University of
Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
- November 1995, "A Modified Theory
of the Microphase Separation in Molten Block Copolymers and the Gyroid
Phase Existence", Max-Planck-Institute für Colloids &
Interfaces, Teltow, Germany.
- November 1995, "The Physics of
Microphase Separation of Block Copolymer Systems in Bulk and Near Surface.
What Is and May Be Understood and Predicted here Phenomenologically,
Microscopically and Technologically", Institute für Physik,
Lehrstuhl Physik von Makromolekülen, Prof.Dr. Jürgen P.Rabe,
Humoldt-Universität zu Berlin.
- October 1996, "Weak Segregation
Approach in Describing the Microphase Separation in Block Copolymers of
Complex Architectures: Fluctuations, Ordering and Scattering". Foundation
of Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), Institute of Electronic
Structure and Laser (I.E.S.L.), Crete, Greece.
- October 1997, "Microphase
Separation as a Typical Feature of Polymer Systems: Fluctuations, Ordering
and Scattering", Seminar "Nanostructures in Polymeric
Systems", Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
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Microphase Separation and other Fluctuation Effects in
Weakly Charged Polyelectrolytes
- October 1984, "New Results in
Theory of Weakly Charged Polyelectrolytes" (with V. Yu. Borue). Physics
Department, Moscow State University, Polymer Theory Seminar founded by
Acad. I. Lifshitz.
- November 1990, "Phase Diagram of
Polyelectrolyte Melts (Coexistence of the Liquid and Supercrystal Phases)"
(with A. V. Dobrynin). Physics Department, Moscow State University,
Polymer Theory Seminar founded by Acad. I. Lifshitz.
- May 1992, "Microphase Separation
in Solutions of Weakly Charged Polyelectrolytes". University of
California of Santa-Barbara, Department of Chemical and Nuclear
Engineering and Materials Department, CA, USA.
- May 1992, "Microphase Separation
and Non-Debye-Hückel Effects in Solutions of Weakly Charged
Polyelectrolytes". Chemical Engineering Department, Northwestern University,
Evanston, IL, USA.
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Dynamic RPA and Spinodal Decomposition
- December 1980, "Temporal
Correlation of Fluctuations in Concentrated Polymer Systems". Physics
Department, Moscow State University, Polymer Theory Seminar by Acad. I. Lifshitz.
- October 1982, "The Recent
Advancements in the Reptation Model Applications: Diffusion Controlled
Reactions, Spinodal Decomposition (Review)" . Physics Department,
Moscow State University, Polymer Theory Seminar founded by Acad. I. Lifshitz.
- April 1983, "Diffusion
Relaxation of Composition and Dynamics of Spinodal Formation of Domain
Structure in Block Copolymers". Physics Department, Moscow State
University, Polymer Theory Seminar founded by Acad. I. Lifshitz.
- June 1984, "Structure Formation
under Spinodal Decomposition of Binary Polymer Blend" (with V.
S. Mitlin and L. I. Manevich). Physics Department, Moscow State
University, Polymer Theory Seminar founded by Acad. I. Lifshitz.
- May 1985 "Diffusion in
Polydisperse Polymer Melts" (with A. N. Semenov). Physics
Department, Moscow State University, Polymer Theory Seminar founded by
Acad. I. Lifshitz.
- May 1987, "A Kinetic Model of
Polymer Glassing" (with V. S. Mitlin and L. I. Manevich). Physics
Department, Moscow State University, Polymer Theory Seminar founded by
Acad. I. Lifshitz.
- March 1988, "Sound
Propagation and Absorbtion in Polymer Melts and Fractal Structures".
Physics Department, Moscow State University, Polymer Theory Seminar
founded by Acad. I. Lifshitz
- 28 September 1998, "A New Approach
in Theory of Spinodal Decomposition" (with E. V. Prostomolotova).
Physics Department, Moscow State University, Polymer Theory Seminar
founded by Acad. I. Lifshitz.
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Thermoreversible Gelation, Associating Solvents and
All That
- November 1979, "Some Problems of
Statistical Theory of Equilibrium Gelation". Physics Department,
Moscow State University, Polymer Theory Seminar by Acad. I.Lifshitz
- April 1982, "Towards
Statistical Theory of Weak Polymer Gels. The Small Cyclization
Approximation and Inapplicability of the Mass Action Law above the Gel
Point". Physics Department, Moscow State University, Polymer
Theory Seminar by Acad. I.Lifshitz.
- December 1984, "Physical
Nature of Sol-Gel Transition in Weak Gels. Singularities of Thermodynamic
and Correlational Characteristics at Gel Point". Physics
Department, Moscow State University, Polymer Theory Seminar founded by
Acad. I.Lifshitz.
- October 1994, "Phase Diagrams of
Thermoreversible Gels", Graduirten Kolleg "Physik und Chemie
Supramolekularer Systeme", Institut für Organische Chemie,
Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz.
- June 1995, "Phase and Sol-Gel
Transitions in Weak Thermoreversible Gels", Material Science
Center, State University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.
- December 1995, "The Sol-Gel
Transition in Weak (Thermoreversible) Gels as a Genuine Phase Transition
due to Spontaneous Breaking of Monomer Identity", Physics
Department, Freiburg Universität.
- February 1997, "The Infinite
Cluster Structure and Phase Diagrams of Weak (Thermoreversible)
Gels", Polymer Chemistry Department and Material Science Center,
State University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
- February 1997, "The Sol-Gel
Transition in Weak (Thermoreversible) Gels as a Genuine Phase Transition:
Sigularities in the Thermodynamic and Scattering Behavior", Laboratoire
de Physique des Milieux Disperses et des Interfaces, Institute Charles
Sadron , Strasbourg, France.
- 24 September 1997, "The Sol-Gel
Transition in Thermoreversible Gels: the Infinite Cluster Structure and
Thermodynamic and Scattering Sigularities", Halle Universität,
- 30 September 1997, "Sol-Gel
Transition in Weak Gels as a Genuine Phase Transition due to Spontaneous
Monomer Identity Breaking" Laboratoire Leon Brilluen, CEN Saclay,
- 3 October 1997, "Long-Range
Fluctuation Behavior of Polyelectrolyte Solutions in Poor and Associating
Solvents", Laboratoire de Physique des Fluides Organises, College
de France, Paris, France.
- 9 October 1998, "Thermodynamics of
Thermoreversible Gels", Laboratoire CNRS - Elf Atochem (UMR
167), Paris, France.
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- June 1982, "The Fluctuation
Incompatibility - An Essentially Non-Flory Effect in Polymer Solutions'
Physics". Physics Department, Moscow State University, Polymer
Theory Seminar by Acad. I.Lifshitz.
- November 1984, "Fluctuations in
Isotropic Solutions and Melts of Macromolecules containing Mesogenic
Groups". Physics Department, Moscow State University, Polymer
Theory Seminar founded by Acad. I.Lifshitz.
- January 1992, "The Notion of The
System of Broken Links and the Lifshitz Approach in the Statistical Theory
of Concentrated Polymer Systems of Complicated Architecture",
Groupe de Physico-Chimie Theorique ESPCI, Paris, France.
- February 1992, "Theory for Users:
Some New Results Concerning Phase Diagrams of Molten Block Copolymers of
Complicated Architecture and The Technological Approach in the
Theory-Making", Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie Theorique ESPCI,
Paris, France.
- March 1992, "On the Theory of
Partially Melted Rocks: Some Questions to be Resolved",
Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie Theorique ESPCI, Paris, France.
- June 1992, "Theory for Users: Some
New Results Concerning Phase Diagrams of Molten Block Copolymers of
Complicated Architecture and The Technological Approach in the
Theory-Making", Polymer Project, Biosim Technologies Inc., San
Diego, CA, USA.
- June 1992, "Technological Approach
in the Theory-Making: Classification and Prediction of Phase Diagrams for
Associating Fluids" Corporate Technology, Polymer Physics and
Chemistry, Raychem Corporation, Menlo Park, CA, USA.
- February 1993, "Thermodynamics and
Phase Diagram of Glassy Phases in Polydisperse Polymer Systems"
(with A.V.Dobrynin). Physics Department, Moscow State University, Polymer
Theory Seminar founded by Acad. I. Lifshitz.
- December 1996, "Non-Local Entropy
of Mixing, Microphase Separation and All That", Department of
Material Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA, USA.
- January 1998, "Polymer Solutions
in Supercritical Solvent: Effective Interaction, Stable and Metastable
Phases, Phase Diagrams and All That ", Polymer Chemistry
Department and Material Science Center, State University of Groningen, The
- December 1998, "Polymers in
Supercritical Solvents", Institute Charles Sadron, Strasbourg,

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