Home :: Personnel :: Emelyanenko
EMELYANENKO, Alexander Vyacheslavovich |
Leading Research Associate (MSU, INEOS) |
Born in 1975 in Bugulma, Russia | Graduated from the Moscow State University, 1998 | PhD, Moscow State University, 2001 | Doctor of Sciences, Moscow State University, 2009 | Phone: 7(916)401-5690 | Fax: 7(495)939-2988 | E-mail: emel@polly.phys.msu.ru | |
Research Interests: |
Liquid crystals, polymers, ferroelectric and antiferroelectric smectics,
intermediate phases, cholesterics, composite materials, surface effects,
phase transitions, unhomogeneous and polydisperse structures, materials
for energy-saving displays, optical devices with memory effect, light
modulators, molecular-statistical physics, computer simulations. |
Detailed CV Site of the group |