Обучение в области физики полимеров. Монографии
Опубликованы книги:1. A.Yu. Grosberg, A.R. Khokhlov. Physics in the World of Polymers. Moscow, Nauka, 1989.
2. A.Yu. Grosberg, A.R. Khokhlov. Statistical Physics of Macromolecules. Moscow, Nauka, 1989; English translation: American Insitute of Physics, NY, 1994.
3. A.A.Sonin. The Surface Physics of Liquid Crystals. OPA-Gordon and Breach Publishers, Amsterdam-Reading, 1995, 180pp.
4. A.Yu. Grosberg, A.R. Khokhlov. Giant Molecules: Here and There and Everywhere... Academic Press, NY, 1997.
5. A.A.Sonin. Freely Suspended Liquid Crystalline Films. John Wiley Sons Ltd., Chichester, 1998, 165pp.
6. A. Khokhlov. Polymer Physics: from Basic Concepts to Modern Developments. In: Soft and Fragile Matter. Nonequilibrium Dynamics, Metastability and Flow, ed. by M.E. Cates, M.R. Evans, P. Osborne. IOP Publishing, London, 2000, pp. 49-77.
7. A.R. Khokhlov, S.I. Kuchanov. Lectures on Physical Chemistry of Polymers. Moscow, Mir, 2000.
8. A.R. Khokhlov. Polymer Gels and Networks, Eds. Y. Osada, A.R. Khokhlov. Marcel Dekker, N.Y., 2001.
9. A.R. Khokhlov, E.Yu. Kramarenko. Basic Concepts of Statistical Physics of Polymers. In: Multiple Aspects of DNA and RNA: from Biophysics to Bioinformatics, Eds. D. Chatenay, S. Cocco, R. Monasson, D. Thieffry, J. Dalibard. Elsevier, 2005, pp.91-125.
10. A.A.Askadskii, A.R.Khokhlov. Introduction to Physico-Chemistry of Polymers. Moscow, Scientific World, 2009.
11. Y. Grosberg, A.R. Khokhlov. Polymers and Biopolymers from Physics Viewpoint. Intellect, Moscow, 2010.