Кафедра физики полимеров и кристаллов
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Main Directions of Scientific Research of the Chair and Laboratory in 2012

  1. Self-Assemblies in Polyelectrolyte Responsive Gels
  2. Microphase Separation, Formation of Other Microstructures in Polymer Systems
  3. Physical Chemistry of Polyelectrolytes, Coil-Globule Transition and Micelle Formation in Dilute Solutions, Including Collapse of DNA (theory + experiment)
  4. Polymers with Associating Groups (experiment + theory + computer experiment)
  5. Atomic Force Microscopy of Polymer Systems (theory + experiment)
  6. Polymer Macromolecules at Surfaces, Polymer Interfaces (theory + computer experiment)
  7. Sequence Design of Copolymers with Special Functional Properties
  8. General Approaches to Statistical Thermodynamics of Copolymers of Practical Importance (theory)
  9. Polymers in Supercritical Fluids (experiment + theory)
  10. New Methods of Organosilicon Chemistry
  11. Search and Investigation of New Ferroelectric and Superionic Crystals
  12. Education in Polymer Physics
  13. Miscellaneous

News of the chair and laboratory

The news are available in Russian only

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