Main Directions of Scientific Research of the Chair and Laboratory in 2012
- Self-Assemblies in Polyelectrolyte Responsive Gels
- Microphase Separation, Formation of Other Microstructures in Polymer Systems
- Physical Chemistry of Polyelectrolytes, Coil-Globule Transition and Micelle Formation in Dilute Solutions, Including Collapse of DNA (theory + experiment)
- Polymers with Associating Groups (experiment + theory + computer experiment)
- Atomic Force Microscopy of Polymer Systems (theory + experiment)
- Polymer Macromolecules at Surfaces, Polymer Interfaces (theory + computer experiment)
- Sequence Design of Copolymers with Special Functional Properties
- General Approaches to Statistical Thermodynamics of Copolymers of Practical Importance (theory)
- Polymers in Supercritical Fluids (experiment + theory)
- New Methods of Organosilicon Chemistry
- Search and Investigation of New Ferroelectric and Superionic Crystals
- Education in Polymer Physics
- Miscellaneous